Monday, June 22, 2009

Starting to feel real.

It was an emotional meeting. Last Sunday the 14Th we met with a member of the Stake Presidency concerning Dusty's release. That is when all of this really started to feel real. He left for Idaho later that night to start his job on Monday. He was gone all week and had a good start to the job. On Saturday we met with a realtor, and hopefully the house will be on the market early this week. Yesterday dusty was released from the Bishopric. It has been a very emotional week for me. I am excited for the new experiences that we will have. But, I am really nervous that all will work out. I know Heavenly Father is mindful of us. President Simpson, in our Stake Presidency, said as me met with him, and again in Sacrament meeting yesterday, that he really felt heavenly Father had a purpose for us to go to Idaho. I hope that a nursery is in need of some leaders. :)