Monday, April 11, 2011

Tender Mercies

It has been so long since I wrote a blog post!

It's ironic that the picture at the top of my last post was the kids with Grandma Beth. On Jan. 31, she passed away unexpectedly. It came as such a shock. My Mom had to do most of the funeral preparations until her brothers could get into town. I was able to be with her to make some decisions and that was very special to me. I wish that I had been there for her more often. I know she was lonely. We will really miss going to spend time with her at the fun activities her care center put on. I know they miss her there.

Her funeral was really nice. A lot of family that I hadn't seen for a long time came in. That was neat, I just wish it was for a better reason.

It is amazing how life goes on. It almost seems like the world should pause for a minute when someone you love and care about dies; but, I know loved ones are lost all the time so that wouldn't be possible.

Heavenly Father is mindful of us however. My nephew, Tristan, was born just 20 min., or so after Grandma passed away. In our last Stake Conference, the Stake President talked about "Tender Mercies" in our lives. He suggested writing a Tender Mercy Journal for our families. He encouraged us to look daily at the mercies Heavenly Father has provided to us. It would make us more grateful and humble. I really think that having a nephew born so close to losing my Grandma, was a huge tender mercy. It was a lot easier to break the news to the children the next morning, being able to give them something happy after the sad. I really felt like it was a teaching moment too.

At that same Stake Conference I was also given a new calling. I was called a counselor in the Stake Relief Society. It was a really big surprise! I have enjoyed my calling so far. It has been really busy the last couple of weeks, but, in a good way. I am so blessed. I know Heavenly Father has blessed our family with so much. I can see his hand in our lives everyday.

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