Monday, May 24, 2010

We woke up to SNOW!!

I don't buy into this global warming thing. When I was a kid I remember getting snow late into the spring. My mom would make us were undershirts until the snow melted off of the mountains. This usually meant we wore them until sometime in June. We have had cooler wet weather this year, more like when I was a kid.

I know my kids hate that is still cool. They want to be outside playing. But, as for me I need it cool. The heat just does me in! For now though, I will enjoy the novelty of snow on May 24Th.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

And the Winner is...

Me!! I can't believe my luck. Two blogs that I follow had contests last week. I entered both of them but figured nothing would come of them. Tonight I looked on facebook and had a message from Aubrey Mace, author extraordinaire (, I had won a book in her blog contest. How exciting. I am eager to read the book I won. Check out her site!!
Well then I decided I better check the blogs I follow. Much to my surprise, I had won Jodi Browns, contest. ( Really go to her blog. It is truly an inspiration. She had an inoperable brain tumor. Found a doctor who would attempt surgery, and a little over a year later has not only survived but, thrived. I am sure it is because of her incredible faith.
I can't wait to be sipping on my Jamba Juice, while reading my new book The Mark. (That is if they don't decide it was a mistake.) I wish I had entered something really big last week apparently I had some luck then. :)