Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ten Days of Thanksgiving #9

I am thankful for civic and church leaders. (Although Church leaders are in a league of their own.)

I am grateful people are willing to serve their communities and beyond to help govern our laws and people. Of course, not everyone is in it for the right reasons, but they are tough jobs. I am most grateful for those who want to serve for the right reasons.

I am extremely grateful for the leaders of my church. Particularly the Prophet, His counselors and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Their selfless service enriches my life. If there were not people willing to live the way they have to, we would not have the gospel in our lives. The sacrifices they make of family, their work and countless other areas, so we can have the gospel, is eternal. I am blessed by these leaders in my life. Also, by those area and local leaders, willing to sacrifice so much to share and spread the gospel. I am grateful for their testimonies.

Ten Days of Thanksgiving #8

Today I am thankful for technology. It makes our lives so much easier, and complicated in one fell swoop. I remember when I was young, my mom would never know when my dad would get home from work. He worked his regular job, then was off to do "side jobs". She never knew when he would get finished and be home. Now I can call Dusty and know exactly when he will be home. When he was working out of town I talked to him during the day as much as I normally would. What a blessing cell phones are. I am also grateful for computers and the internet. I have been able to keep in touch with some people who I wouldn't have normally. I have church information for lessons and talks at my finger tips. When I need information medically, or the kids need it for school, once again right a our finger tips. Also, even though I haven't worked on it, family history and temple ready can be done right at home, on the computer. I am grateful Heavenly Father has blessed us with these and many more advances for our good.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ten Days of Thanksgiving #4, #5, #6,#7

OK, so I fell of the thankful band wagon. Oops... I really am grateful! So I will catch up, here goes:

#4- I am so grateful for my parents. They raised me in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They came from families that did not go to church or practice any part of it. They were activated and Sealed in the Temple not long after they were married and have never looked back. They are such an example to me of service. They magnify their church callings. They are always there for the people they serve, which is pretty much the whole ward. They also help their children and grandchildren with all that they possibly can. My parents are my friends too. I know I can call them anytime, to just even talk, not to mention to go to the hospital at all hours of the night. I am truly grateful that Heavenly Father sent me to them. I love them so much. Don't hate me for the picure Mom. I really like it.:)

#5-I am grateful for my parents-in-laws. I have to come to love and appreciate my in-laws. They like my parents are always there for us. They help us with clothes for the girls, which helps so much! I also consider them my friends. It is nice that I have some of the same interests as them. I don't know if everyone could say that of their in-laws. I love them too.

#6-I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know that this is the Lord's Church on the earth today. I am so grateful for the path it gives me to follow in my life. That I can have a personal relationship with my Savior. And be sealed to family for all eternity.

#7-I am grateful where I live. A few months ago we thought we would have to move to Idaho. Although that would have been a good and interesting experience for our family, I am so glad we were able to stay. I love that we are so close to the headquarters of the church. That we are so close to so many temples. Our family is close when we need them. We live in a fun ward, that has some of my best friends in it. I think this is a pretty great place!

Well now I have caught up maybe I will do better this week!! :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ten Days of Thanksgiving #3

Today I am thankful for my husband. He works hard to be a great husband, father, priesthood holder, worker, and care taker. He puts up with me and my mood swings and helps me with my health matters. I love it when he plays with the kids, it means so much to them. He works hard a his job, even if it isn't his dream one. He honors his priesthood and fulfills his callings. Right now he teaches the eleven year old boys, and is loving it.

I am so thankful to have a husband that has the same goals and values I do. I know that I am the lucky one!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ten Days of Thanksgiving

On one of the blogs I follow, suggested to post for ten days what we are thankful for. I am a little late in getting started since I was in a bad mood when I read it yesterday. But, it is a new day and I feel better. So here goes.

Today I am so thankful for my health. As all of you probably know I have MS. I have had bumps in the road, but all in all I am doing so well. I know Heavenly Father has watched over me and our little family. I know that He blessed me to have good health to get our family here. I see other people with the same disease and realize how blessed I really am. I read a news story that says there is a promising treatment, that might even end up being a cure. :) :) Wouldn't that be AMAZING?

Since I didn't do one yesterday, I will do two today.

I am sooo thankful for my children. I love them soo much. Their individual personalities are so unique and wonderful. Hannah is so grown up and smart. Emma (who turned nine yesterday) is kind and loves animals. Audrey is a princess and is sweet and loving. Pierce is jumping off everything (is that what boys do?), wants to do everything the older kids do, and is so lonely while they go to school all day. I feel so blessed to have such fun kids. Oh, also, they are almost as tall as me. I have a feeling when they get their height I will be the short one!